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Friday, May 21, 2021

Old boy network has no place in Canadian military - Sault Star

Whistle blowers must have alternatives to being made to remain silent

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The subject matter of this latest column is in reference to one of those uncomfortable discussions that have been in existence since the beginning of time. Women have come a long way in terms of equality and value since our ancestors were dragged around by the hair in what was their lot in life.

They were property, to be abused, traded, murdered, betrayed and sold off when their usefulness was over. Millennia have past, yet still to this day, women fear the control and abuse their intimate partners place upon them in isolation and fear.

Women also fear retribution in the workplace from colleagues to superiors and those in between. They work hard to move up the chain of command and this has historically proven to be much more difficult and challenging experience than that of many of their male counterparts.

If you are a woman of colour or Indigenous, the challenge is a much bigger mountain to climb and all too often deadly.


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But let me make it perfectly clear, this is not a man bashing column. Most men, including many of the ones I know, are genuine, hard-working, respectful, good men who believe in equality and the aspirations of the women in their lives as well as women in general.

They are family, friends, co-workers, managers, neighbours and acquaintances who are naturals at supporting their female counterparts in life, family and career. Women and men work side by side in so many disciplines where they respect and depend on each other for favourable outcomes to their daily challenges.

But systemic misogyny, racism, homophobia and sexual exploitation have existed in Canadian workplaces, neighbourhoods and families since we became a country. These ideologies were brought from the Old World and, in my opinion, became the foundation for colonization here.

The roots are securely embedded, having been seeded for generations by those who interpret power as their inherent right to control and subjugate others. It only takes a few men with these ideologies who hold power in any of our diverse environments to embed their control thereby creating toxicity that is pervasive and ingrained.

They need to be uprooted, castigated and left impotent in their abilities to further control their environments, whether it be the workplace, home, neighbourhood or personal relationships.

Unless the roots of the problems are dug out and eradicated permanently, systemic misogyny, racism, sexism, homophobia, abuse, pedophilia and gender biases will always be a disgusting, debilitating and inherent part of our society.


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These are learned responses that are meant to demoralize, disenfranchise, manipulate and intimidate those around them, particularly women.

We are not born to think this way.

Those who have been taught, influenced and abused themselves, use power and a need to control their environment so their personal inadequacies and failures can be overlooked.

They must control others and the environment around them. Women are encouraged to “do as I say” and if they push back, the response is covert manipulation with the purpose of control.

If left unchecked, the crises yet to unfold become mine fields for those who discover they are in a relationship with a man with these ideologies.

It can be harmless and insidious. When the red flags start to appear, it is quite often too late. Decisions have been made, friends isolated, finances and assets shared, the road home can be a difficult search.

By this time women are unprepared to fight back as their self-worth and confidence have been stripped from them a little at a time. The image they have of themselves becomes what their abuser has convinced them they are.

The Canadian military is in the spotlight again because men in power, several now at the highest level of command in the Canadian Armed Forces have violated women. To add insult to injury these same men asked the women they violated to lie in order to save their own skins.

These women had to go up the chain of command to report their sexual abuse, relying on these men to eventually investigate themselves, one at the centre of an investigation, allegedly saying he was “untouchable.”


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Left devastated, ruined, some with suicidal thoughts, their careers and personal lives were destroyed, as they remain victims of unchallenged power. They are still fighting for justice and likely will for the rest of their lives.

A female military veteran who suffered abuse in her career and developed PTSD as a result, was sent with other women for counselling. It became clear their counsellor was a convicted sex offender!

She left in a suicidal state because many women who fight back for what they stand for in their convictions become collateral damage in the fallout.

These perverts and abusers control others every day of their lives. They work in all disciplines and not only have power over their victims, but they intimidate others into being afraid to speak out against their actions.

This code of silence is sick and demented, and these men move up the ladder, inheriting more power and influence in the process. It is the proverbial elephant in the room that is immoral and out of control.

Is your partner, colleague, intimate partner or superior a narcissist personality? The Mayo Clinic describes Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) as having an inflated sense of their own importance, deep sense for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, lack of empathy for others, lash out at criticism or push back and underneath they hold a deep sense of insecurity.

Or are they just an attention seeking misogynist, racist jerk? One may be worse than the other, but let’s face it, both spell your life as a person with aspirations of you own will be insignificant passages of hope.


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As I said, Band-Aid solutions don’t work, nor do investigations, committees, commissions and rules. They are unsuccessfully mute, while mired down in technicalities, legalities and time. They are an insult to all the victims whose constitutional rights are mired in “he said, she said” tug of wars.

Power wins in the old boys’ club because those who know the truth stay quiet. The boys’ club will “look after” those who are brave and decent enough to speak out.

These perverts need to be rooted out, expelled and criminally charged.

Nothing will change until this happens. The intimidated must not be afraid to come forward. These whistle blowers must have alternatives to being made to remain silent. They should have protections, so they do not lose their careers and reputations in the process.

I hope this column can save one woman and it would be worth it. The bravery every woman has shown against seemingly insurmountable odds is both inspiring and life changing.

Women make up about 50 per cent of the globe’s population. Continuing to suppress, oppress, subjugate, sexually abuse, manipulate, control, minimize, murder, degrade, or impoverish these women would serve only to deprive the entire world of hope and a future.

The world will therefore fly on one wing instead of two.

Patricia Baker is a Sault Star district correspondent, columnist and retired Sault Area Hospital nurse


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Old boy network has no place in Canadian military - Sault Star
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